Sep 19, 2023

SPEAG and ZMT Distributor Week 2023

In September, SPEAG and Z43 partner ZMT welcomed our global sales channels to the annual distributor week in Zurich

On September 10–15, 2023, SPEAG and Z43 partner ZMT Zurich MedTech AG hosted our global sales channel distributor week in Zurich, with representatives from Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, North America and Latin America. It was our annual Face-2-Face meeting where we were able to provide a great opportunity to showcase our new product innovations, discuss customer opportunities, provide new sales tools and receive regional market updates on our market sectors. It was an extremely productive week, very focussed and a lot of fun.

A big thank you to everyone involved for a very productive week!

Full house at our 2023 distributor week at Z43 in Zurich.